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What is the slippage rate on Multiswap?
What is the slippage rate on Multiswap?
Hasnat Malik avatar
Written by Hasnat Malik
Updated over a week ago

The clarification that the total slippage rate on Multiswap amounts to 4%, with a 2% rate applied separately on both the source and destination networks, has significant implications for users engaging in token swaps on the platform. This structure means that for each swap transaction, users might experience up to 2% price deviation from the expected rate on the originating network and an additional 2% on the receiving network. Here's a breakdown of how this impacts the swapping process:

Understanding Total Slippage

  • Cumulative Effect: The total potential slippage of 4% accounts for the price movement on both ends of the swap. This cumulative effect is particularly important for users to consider, as it represents the overall potential cost impact on their transactions beyond mere network fees.

  • Price Impact: For a swap transaction, this means the final amount of tokens received could be up to 4% less than what might be expected based on the spot prices at the time the swap is initiated. This variance is due to market movements and liquidity depth on both the source and destination chains.

Strategic Considerations for Users:

  • Large Orders: Users planning to execute large orders need to be particularly mindful of this total slippage rate, as significant trades can move the market, especially in pools with lower liquidity, leading to higher price impacts.

  • Market Timing: Given the potential for a 4% total slippage, users might strategize their swaps during less volatile market periods or when the liquidity depth is higher to potentially reduce the impact of slippage.

Platform Dynamics:

  • Liquidity Pool Depth: The slippage rates are closely tied to the depth of liquidity in the pools on both the source and destination networks. Deeper liquidity pools can better absorb larger orders without significant price impacts, potentially reducing the experienced slippage.

  • Volatility Management: The set slippage rates also reflect Multiswap's approach to managing the inherent volatility in cryptocurrency markets, providing a buffer to accommodate price movements during the swap process.

User Experience:

  • Informed Decision-Making: Users need to be aware of the total 4% potential slippage to make informed decisions about their swaps, taking into account the impact on the expected outcomes of their transactions.

  • Transparency and Consent: Platforms typically provide users with information about potential slippage before executing a swap, requiring user consent to proceed. This ensures transparency and allows users to reconsider or adjust their transactions based on the slippage rates.


The total slippage rate of 4% on Multiswap, with 2% applied on both the source and destination networks, highlights the importance of considering the combined impact of slippage on both ends of a swap. Users engaged in cross-chain swaps on Multiswap should factor in this total potential slippage when planning their transactions, especially in the context of market volatility and liquidity depth.

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